Galina Tretyakova, Vanda Arutyunian, Olga Ginzburg, Karine Apresyan, Ekaterina Belozerova, Аnna Lebedeva


Objective: This article examines the degree of readiness of future international economists for the discourse of professional communication and an important aspect of successful communication in the field of international economic relations is the high level of students' mastery of English.

Methods: For this study 120 students of 3rd and 4th year of studying were questioned on their English language abilities. We were monitoring those students during nine months and by means of different tasks and tests were able to calculate their ultimate skills and abilities in the professional discourse.

Results: By the end of this study almost all 4th year students were ready to perform professional tasks in their future career.

Conclusion: We concluded that the focus of studying should be listening comprehension involving native speakers.


Professional discourse; International economists; Skills and abilities; The use of business English as a Lingua Franca; Professional vocabulary

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Revista Relações Internacionais do Mundo Atual e-ISSN: 2316-2880

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