Nikita Stepanov


The key actors of Eurasia – the EU, Russia and China-have been striving for many years to create conditions for the intensification of international economic exchange on the continent. One of the projects that is being considered for this purpose is Greater Eurasia Space. The research problem. The need for the study is due to the scientific and practical need to understand the potential of major international projects that pass through the territory of Russia, on the way to the formation of Greater Eurasia Space. The purpose of the study is to analyze the prospects for using the potential of Russia's international infrastructure projects on the way to building a Greater Eurasia Space. Research questions. The study raises the following questions: what factors determine the potential of the Northern Sea Route as an international infrastructure project that can accelerate integration development in the Eurasian region? What factors hinder the use of the potential of the Northern Sea Route as a project that can accelerate integration processes in the course of the formation of Greater Eurasia? What potential does the "One Belt, One Road" Initiative (BRI) have in Russia? What projects can be implemented within the framework of the BRI? Research methodology. The study uses methods of statistical analysis, graphical and tabular methods of analysis. Research results and contributions. The article analyzes the potential of the Northern Sea Route, the advantages and threats of this project on the way to creating a Greater Eurasia. The prospects for the implementation of the "One Belt, One Road" Initiative in Russia are assessed. Conclusions and justification of the novelty of the work. Based on the assessment of strengths and weaknesses, threats and opportunities, a conclusion is made about the directions of development of the Northern Sea Route in the creation of Greater Eurasia.


Northern Sea Route, Belt and Road Initiative; "One Belt - One Road"; Greater Eurasia; Integration; Potential the Greater Eurasian Space

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