Song Хiaoxiao


This article explores the unique interaction of music and the environment in the context of traditional Chinese music, emphasizing the environmental aspects of this relationship. The authors present a concept in which the sounds generated by traditional musical forms act as an important tool for a conscious impact on the state of nature and stimulating sustainable development.

The article analyzes how the nature of China influences the creation of musical compositions, emphasizing the uniqueness of sounds inspired by the environment. In this context, the authors consider the importance of preserving biodiversity and caring for natural resources through the prism of traditional music, presenting it as an important catalyst for environmental awareness.

Special emphasis is placed on how traditional Chinese music can serve not only as an expressive art, but also as a means to draw attention to urgent environmental issues. The authors call for the meaningful use of musical traditions in order to promote sustainable development, deepening the link between culture, music and ecology to create a harmonious and responsible interaction with nature


culture, harmony, traditional Chinese music, sustainable development, natural environment.

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Revista Relações Internacionais do Mundo Atual e-ISSN: 2316-2880

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