Dmitry Muller, Valentin Laptev, Alexey Starshinov


Objective: The study aims to determine the features of the consumption of political news by student youth and youth preferences in political news sources and media terminals. Methods: A sociological study was conducted in the form of a survey of young people aged between 15 and 29 (N=1,102). The results of the fall 2022 survey were compared to those of a similar 2017 study. Results: Survey participants name online resources, including social media and news portals, as the leading source of information (62.43%). Telegram channels and television rank second and third with 21.69 and 14%, respectively. Trust in Internet news sources rose by 13% since 2017 (from 57 to 70.5%), while traditional media, such as television and radio, rank last by the level of trust (12.95%). Conclusion: The study confirms the ongoing trend of decreasing trust in traditional media, especially concerning news. Despite declining trust, television continues to be popular among young people as a source of entertainment. The study shows a clear shift in preference toward digital media.


Youth; Media consumption; News sources

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21902/Revrima.v4i42.6545


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