Dmitry Radushinsky, Dinara Kremcheeva, Ekaterina Smirnova


Objective: The article aims at systematizing problems in service quality management in the field of higher education to increase the efficiency of socio-economic development in the Russian Federation. Methods: The authors have conducted a critical analysis of the existing approaches to define the quality management of educational services, including one-factor correlation-regression analysis. Results: The content of service quality management in the field of higher education has been clarified. It is a purposeful activity of universities, other educational organizations, and socio-economic structures of state regulation in the field of analysis, planning, organization, motivation, control, and evaluation of the effective provision of educational services. This activity should ensure the maximum compliance of the knowledge and competency of service users with the current and future requirements of industry-specific labor markets, as well as achieve the long-term and sustainable growth of labor productivity in the national economy as a whole. The authors also systematize the main institutional, organizational, personnel, financial, analytical, and methodological issues of service quality management in the field of higher education in the Russian Federation. Conclusion: Several recommendations for a systematic solution to the identified problems are presented.


Quality of educational services; Financing of higher education; Labor market; Staff turnover; Russia

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