Albina Aleksandrovna Buchek, Larisa Viktorovna Serykh, Liudmila Nikolaevna Voloshina


The steady downward trend in children's health indicators in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic makes it necessary to search for new approaches to raising a healthy child in a preschool institution and family. The present study attempts to identify the level of manifestation of the voluntary behavior of senior preschoolers in motor activity as the basis for the growth of personal health potential. To meet that aim, the methods of mathematical statistics, especially Wilcoxon's t-test, are utilized. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the issue of developing the personal health potential in preschoolers, the manifestation of voluntariness, purposefulness, and independence in motor activity remains relevant. Assessment of voluntariness in motor activity demonstrates issues in nearly half of the children. Hence, the need to seek new pedagogical technologies, forms, methods, and means of developing the personal health potential of children seems crucial.


Preschooler; Personal health potential; COVID-19; Motor activity.

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