Contextualization: After a year of COVID-19 pandemic, there are currently many questions and deep discussions about its impact on international relations.
Objective: To proceed in its study it is necessary to start by differentiating two concepts that are generally interchangeable for academics, but that are refered to processes of different nature: mondialisation and globalization.
Method: The article is structured according to the famous quote of "all that is solid melts into air…" from the Manifesto of the Communist Party, which served as inspiration for the book of the same title by Marshall Berman, where it is studied the effects in globalization of incipient socio-economic sectors: cryptocurrencies, e-learning, eSports and entertainment.
Results: COVID-19 has had a significant impact on globalization, “melting” its material bases, thus resulting in an uncontainable, accelerated and quite possibly irreversible transition towards a new digital era of globalization.
Conclusion: Due to COVID-19, different sectors attached to the digital world are experiencing a rapid grown, “profaning” the current basis and concepts of finance, education, sport and culture, and “compelling” these socio-economic sectors to face its current “conditions” in order to adapt better to the new digital era of globalization.
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