
Background: The current stage of development of society and civilization is characterized by the introduction of information technologies in various fields of activity and the digitalization of many processes. Objective: The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the formation of the digital economy in the Russian Federation during 2016-2019. Methods: The article analyzes the concepts of digital transformation, digitalization, digital economy. The main statistical indicators of the level of digitalization in the Russian Federation have been analyzed. Results: Conclusions about digitalization have been made. The following indicators have been analyzed: households with computers and Internet access; factors constraining the use of the Internet by the population; the population using the Internet to order goods and services; the population using the Internet to order popular goods and services; payment methods for goods and services ordered by the population via the Internet; reasons for the refusal of the population to use the Internet to order goods and services; the population interacting with public authorities and local self-government using the Internet; reasons for the refusal of the population to use the Internet to receive state and municipal services.


digital transformation; digitalization; digital economy; computers; Internet access; ordering goods and services via the Internet; public services via the Internet

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