Challenges associated with the legal enforcement of land use by indigenous small-numbered peoples of the north

Elena Mihaylovna Burundukova, Olga Vladimirovna Kostina


Objective: This article aims at studying the legal enforcement of land use by indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North. Methods: The theoretical basis of the study includes legislative and regulatory legal acts that determine the traditional nature management of indigenous peoples. The study presents the results of interviews with the authorities, heads of reindeer farms, heads of national communities, representatives of ethnic peoples. The surveys were carried out as part of the expedition survey in Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk and Kondinsk districts of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra (Russia) from April to September 2019. Results: In the course of the study, the authors have revealed the impossibility of realizing the rights of indigenous peoples in relation to land and land plots that are territories with the traditional use of natural resources. Conclusion: This is conditioned by legal changes in the field of land use under the influence of neoliberal practices at the federal level and the paternalistic model at the district level. One more cause is the general ignorance of law and law enforcement by ethnic minorities.


Territories with the traditional use of natural resources; Land relations; Land use regulation; Land tenure.

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