Glauco Oliveira Rodrigues, Luis Felipe Dias Lopes, Gilnei Luiz de Moura, Deoclécio Junior Cardoso da Silva, Luciano Amaral, Steffani Nikoli Dapper


Electric energy is used for the most diverse purposes, in situations where its supply is interrupted, the importance of systems capable of automating the energy restoration process is evident. For electricity generation and transmission, the country has a main system (a set of plants, transmission lines and distribution assets): the National Interconnected System (SIN). This immense “electric highway” covers most of the Brazilian territory and consists of connections made over time, from installations initially restricted to exclusively serving the regions of origin. Therefore, this article aims to investigate the studies proposed on Smart Grid in the last ten years on the Web of Science. For this, it adopted a bibliometric analysis seeking to identify the articles published in the period by source, research area, countries, authors and the most cited works in addition to the h-b index, the hot topics related to the theme. The results reveal that publications in the area have gradually increased over time and that most research has been published in countries with relevance in international trade, as well as countries with a high use of advanced information technologies.



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