The Effect of Mindfulness Training on Anxiety: A Case Study: Psychology Undergraduate Students of Tehran University

Zahra Seyami Dodran, Elshad Eftekhari


The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of mind training on anxiety. The research method was quasi-experimental. The statistical population of this study included 20 psychology students from Tehran University (10 female and 10 male). From this statistical population, we selected 20 of students with above-average levels of anxiety and divided them into two groups of girls and boys using a targeted sampling method. Data were collected using the STAI questionnaire. Data were analyzed with EXCEL software. As a result, there was a significant difference in the study variables between Group 1 and Group 2, indicating that mindfulness-based stress reduction program training was effective in reducing anxiety.

Palabras clave

Mindfulness; Fear; Thoughts; Memories; Worries

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