The Construction Model of the National Health Insurance Policy for the Poor Peoples in Indonesia

Adi Fahrudin


The purpose of this study is to explain the construction of the Indonesian national health insurance policy model for the poor and its theoretical and practical implications for the implementation of the Indonesian national health insurance policy for the poor. This study used qualitative research methods. Meanwhile, data collection used in-depth interviews, observation, and document studies. Data analysis consists of data reduction, data display, conclusions drawing, and verification. The construction model of the Indonesian national health insurance policy produces several important aspects that interact with each other, namely the apparatus performance patterns, apparatus capabilities, bureaucratic culture, political interests, principles of universality, and financing of health coverage. Theoretically, the Indonesian national health insurance policy has implications for a broader dimension, such as political, legal, economic, social, and cultural. In addition, it touches on a philosophical dimension, concerning the rights of citizens, such as civil rights, political rights, and social rights. Meanwhile, practically, it is related to the development of health resources, improvement of the population administration system, financing, and quality and cost control.

Palabras clave

Construction Model, Policy, Health Insurance, the Poor People

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