Objective: This study explores the systematic process of forming strategic management decisions within enterprises, focusing on the cascade-analytical and selection blocks and their impact on enhancing management efficiency.
Methods: The research employs a mixed-method approach that combines qualitative and quantitative techniques. It includes a detailed literature review, analysis of existing management practices, and an expert survey. The aim is to identify the critical stages and components in the strategic decision-making process that influence the efficiency and effectiveness of enterprise management.
Results: The study identifies two main action blocks in the decision-making process: the cascade-analytical block and the selection block. Each block involves specific activities such as goal setting, environmental impact assessment, problem definition, and evaluation of results, which are crucial for making informed and strategic management decisions.
Conclusions: The findings emphasize the importance of a structured approach to strategic management decision-making. Effective communication, role distribution among management, and clear methodological guidelines are essential for the successful implementation of strategic decisions and enhancing overall enterprise efficiency.Palabras clave
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