Eleonora Navasardova, Dmitriy Burkin, Roman Nutrikhin, Kira Svidlova


Objective. This article addresses current Russian legislation concerning land and other real estate in the specially protected ecological resort region Caucasian Mineral Waters.

Methods. The study employs a risk-oriented approach, identifying legal, environmental, corruption-related, social, economic, and other risks threatening the well-being of Russia's major resorts.

Results. The study emphasizes the regime of the three protective zones within the mountain sanitary protected district of federal resorts and the restrictions on land use, construction, and other economic activities in these zones. The article explores the utilization challenges of other real estate within resort territories, the trend of repurposing resort infrastructure facilities, and the prolonged preservation of unfinished construction projects. These problems are discussed in the context of their negative consequences, including corruption, systematic legal violations, environmental degradation of resorts, and disruption of the architectural appearance of historical towns in the Caucasian Mineral Waters region.

Conclusion. The study highlights the imbalance in the land use management system and real estate transactions in these areas, recommending state oversight of local self-government activities in resort towns due to frequent legal violations. Proposals for improving Russian legislation governing land and real estate use in resorts are also presented.

Palabras clave

Caucasian Mineral Waters; Resorts; Land plots; Resort infrastructure; Risks; Risk-oriented approach

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21902/Revrima.v3i45.7183

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