Zhanysh Kulmambetov, Tumonbai Koldoshov, Kyyal Asanaliyeva, Marina Kindzerskaya, Nadezhda Ershova, Elena Zvezdina


Introduction. One of the understudied problems in history, pedagogy, and art history is the periodization of the historical development of the theater in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. Various forms of theater developed in ancient times due to socially significant events and the influence of Islam and shamanism. The paper aims to analyze the historical aspects of the establishment of the theater in Kyrgyzstan.

Materials and methods. The validity and reliability of the findings are ensured by the theoretical analysis of scientific literature and Internet media publications, the analysis of theater experts' opinions, and the oral historical method.

Results. The research outlines conventional stages in the development of Kyrgyz theater, determines the content of each stage, and highlights trends and regularities in each stage. Drawing on research, it is established that the clash of pagan traditions with Islam, shamanism, and folklore predetermined the spontaneous development of theater forms.

Conclusions. The authors conclude that the dilemma of the Kyrgyz national theater’s functioning in market conditions stems from the fierce competition for the audience, the search for national identity, and the rejection of the Russian theater system.

Palabras clave

Islam; Shamanism; Art; Syncretism; Development dilemma; Market

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21902/Revrima.v2i44.7077

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