Ludmila Gadzaova, Elena Goverdovskaya, Irina Fedotova, Raisa Buralova, Ramisa Mutushanova, Diana Tomaeva


Objective: Bilingual and multilingual students often show better results than their monolingual peers. The study aims to formulate a methodology for teaching languages in non-linguistic universities to improve the cognitive abilities of students.

Methods: Qualitative research methods were used, including the analysis of scientific literature and existing methodologies.

Results: The authors have reviewed several teaching methods in a bilingual environment and their advantages. They have concluded that the methods of bilingual language development are based on different didactic approaches to language rather than specific differences in the chosen approach.

Conclusions: Teaching a foreign language in a bilingual/multilingual environment is important for teacher training in various disciplines, expanding the understanding of higher education. Therefore, the authors recommend implementing a bilingual system in the programs of non-linguistic universities.

Palabras clave

Bilingualism/multilingualism in teaching a foreign language at a university; Multinational region.

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Revista Relações Internacionais do Mundo Atual e-ISSN: 2316-2880

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