Oleksii Shumilo, Vadym Babakin, Hanna Kovalenko, Dmytro Yasynok, Vitalii Boiko


Objective: The article provides a comprehensive analysis of theoretical and legislative approaches to understanding the essence of the principle of good faith in civil law. It critically examines how the principle of good faith, along with the presumption of good faith, is codified in civil legislation without a clear definition of its meaning. The discussion highlights that good faith, as a legal category, remains inadequately defined and lacks consistent interpretation in both scientific literature and judicial practice.

Method: The research involves a detailed examination of scientific literature, Supreme Court practices, and civil law provisions. The study distinguishes between the principles of justice, good faith, and reasonableness, emphasizing that these are separate yet interdependent principles supporting civil law and its legislative structure. The analysis explores good faith as an evaluative concept, requiring consideration of both objective and subjective perspectives.

Results: The principle of good faith is positively evaluated for its role in ensuring stability and social orientation of legislation. The article highlights the importance of good faith in promoting trust and predictability in legal transactions. It is noted that the objective understanding of good faith involves aligning behavior with generally accepted standards established by law or derived from judicial practice, while the subjective perspective reflects an individual's internal conviction that their behavior is legitimate and does not infringe on others' rights and interests.

Conclusions: The article advocates for legislative clarifications on "good faith" and "good faith behavior," proposing at least an approximate composition of these categories to facilitate clearer understanding and application. Furthermore, it emphasizes the judiciary's role in interpreting and expanding the application of the principle of good faith. The article concludes that a well-defined principle of good faith is essential for the coherent and equitable regulation of civil legal relations. By providing legislative clarity and supporting judicial interpretation, the principle of good faith can significantly enhance the fairness and reliability of civil law.

Palabras clave

Law, Principle, Good Faith, Civil Law, Civil Legislation, Civil-Law Relations.

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