Abdul Rasyad, Ahmad Tohri, Abdul Latif, Hasanuddin Chaer, Hasan Basri, Isyaku Hassan


The role of the Tariqa in Islam propagation is highly significant, particularly in Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Sufism teaching is also known as tariqa teachings in Lombok Island. Hizib Tariqa is the largest Tariqa in the Sasak tribe Lombok. The role of the Hizib tariqa is gigantic in religious and social changes. This research aims to fathom the ritual experience gained by Hizib Tariqa followers and the motivation driven the Tariqa to stay afloat until today. The research method employed is qualitative, using phenomenological and ethnographical approaches. This study's result obtains Hizib tariqa ritual experience for the followers to feel a peaceful heart and mind, strengthen kinship and fraternity ties among the Lombok community in general, and as a forum or media to explore religious knowledge through congregation or lectures by Ustaz or Tuan Guru. Also, the most important motivation is getting closer to Allah SWT and increasing faith and piety. Therefore, this combination of experience and motivation has continued the Hizib tariqa rituals.

Palabras clave

Tariqa; Hizib; Experiences; motivation; Sasak Tribe

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21902/Revrima.v1i39.6431

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