Vadim Avdeev, Olga Avdeeva, Stanislav Rozenko, Evgeny Kiselev, Julia Bulygina


Objective: The purpose of the article is aimed at solving the modern problem associated with the legal provision of measures implemented in order to guarantee public safety on the territory of states and individual regions. The importance of solving this problem is predetermined by the search for the most optimal legal means in the field of protecting the life and health of the local population, including the legal rights of the indigenous peoples living in small numbers, natural resources, ensuring legal use of natural resources, environmental safety and etc. Methodology: The methodology of the research is based on a set of general scientific, private and special methods of scientific knowledge that allow the system to structure, subject to formal and legal means, a mechanism for conduct a comparative legal analysis, identifying general and specific trends in ensuring public security. Results: As a result of the study, it was concluded that one of the problems of ensuring public security is minimization and neutralization of these threats should contribute to the implementation in the norms and institutions of international law, aimed at increasing the level of anti-terrorist protection of places where people stay, life support facilities, transport infrastructure, organizations of fuel and energy, chemical, nuclear weapons, nuclear power and industry, defense and industry complexes of the country. Conclusion: Conclusions are made that constantly changing challenges and threats to public safety predetermine the expediency of updating the normative-legal framework, in particular the adoption of criminal law measures to counteract crime in the area under study. The practice-oriented measures proposed in the article are of importance, including conceptual directions for the implementation of solutions for the prevention, suppression and counteraction of crime that encroaches on the interests of public safety. 

Palabras clave

International law; National law; Legal policy; National security; Crimes against public safety; Criminal law countermeasures

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Revista Relações Internacionais do Mundo Atual e-ISSN: 2316-2880

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