
Background: The presented article explores the possibilities of effective health protection of university students. The authors believe that an important task for university management is to preserve the health of students in the learning process among the various problems of training professional personnel necessary for the economy and management. Objective: The purpose of this study is to develop a set of effective organizational and legal measures to preserve the health of university students. Methods: To do this, the authors investigate the trends in the state of health of modern students, its determining factors, the most common diseases characteristic of this social group, and the reasons for their spread. Results: The authors suggest organizational and legal solutions to the problem of preserving the health of students. The world experience of organizing and conducting health-saving and health-related activities is studied, and its comparison with the Russian experience is carried out. Special attention in the presented scientific research is paid to proving the necessity of organizing physical education of students as the main type of morbidity prevention. Conclusion: Conclusions are drawn about the need to develop, adopt, and implement health-saving and health-related programs. Measures are proposed to improve the health of students.

Palabras clave

health protection; diseases; measures to preserve health; healthy lifestyle; physical education.

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