
Background: This article is a scoping study that analyzes statistics from the United Nations Population Division, revealing the ratio of the number of migrants to the total population on a global scale, as well as characterizing the number and proportion of immigrants in gender and geographic context. Aim: The work aims to consider the global and Russian scale of migration movements in social dynamics, as well as to analyze the behavioral strategies of migrants who are representatives of a foreign cultural environment. The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the need to identify promising areas for further research against the background of increasing intergroup interaction between the indigenous people of local communities with foreign citizens, representatives of a foreign cultural environment. Methods: Along with data from international statistical sources, the authors studied materials on migration in the Russian Federation, reviewed Russian and foreign scientific publications, and interpreted data from all-Russian and regional research projects collected using a survey method. Results: Based on the results of the analysis, the article describes the position of external migrants and their involvement in the functioning of economic sectors in the perceptions of Russian residents (at the regional level). It also reveals the content of the relationship between the local community and newcomers who carry values of a different culture. An escalation of the impact of migration flows and an increase in the confrontational component are recorded as a counter-strategy on the part of local groups in relation to foreign citizens. At the same time, the empirical study also made it possible to conclude the ambivalent response of the residents of the receiving country to the volumes of migration flows and the strategies of migrants. Conclusion: The authors substantiated that multiple scaling of the likelihood of the conflict component in the socio-cultural interaction of the receiving party and arriving representatives of the foreign cultural environment requires a comprehensive implementation of programs for the mutual adaptation of the above-mentioned subjects, agreed on by state bodies and non-profit organizations as equal partners.

Palabras clave

Migration processes; Intensification; Dynamics; Intergroup interactions; Local community; Representative of a foreign cultural environment; Behavioral strategies.

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