Interregional interaction in the conditions of digitalization: analysis of programmes of the european union (eu) for supporting cooperation across borders in the context of the proximity theory development

Julia Vladimirovna Lyshchikova


Objective: The article provides a comprehensive review on theoretical and empirical research in the field of interregional cooperation. Methods: The empirical basis of the study is represented by the European Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development, the set of programmes of the European Union (EU) for supporting cooperation across borders, the Strategy for Spatial Development of the Russian Federation for the Period up to 2025, the results of the survey “Competitive Cooperation between Territories” (Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia). Results: Within the framework of the proximity theory, which serves as a theoretical basis for interregional interaction, we consider the approaches to the definition of this category, summarize the types and forms of interregional cooperation, the tools by which interregional interaction is carried out, as well as key factors (drivers) contributing to its strengthening, deepening and development and the main barriers that hinder and/or reduce the intensity of interregional cooperation. Conclusion: In the context of digital transformation special attention is paid to cognitive proximity, which manifests itself in the creation of information and knowledge networks and to the concept of macro-region as an economic subspace for closer interregional cooperation.

Palabras clave

Proximity theory; Cognitive proximity; Digital economy; Spatial development; Knowledge networks

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