The Effectiveness of Exposure Therapy Based on Virtual Reality on the Anxiety of the Speaker: Case Study: Psychology Undergraduate Students of Tehran University

Zahra Seyami Dodran, Elshad Eftekhari


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of virtual reality-based exposure therapy in reducing language anxiety. The research methodology of this study was semi-experimental in her two groups of men and women at the University of Tehran. The study's statistical population included 20 of her first-year psychology students at the University of Tehran, half of whom were girls and boys between the ages of 18 and 22. Data were selected using a targeted sampling method and divided precisely into her two groups of 10 boys and girls. We collected data using the Voice Anxiety Automatic Thought Questionnaire (SAATQ) and analyzed the data using Excel. As a result of the analysis, there was a significant difference between the girls' group and the boys' group, and it was said that girls had a stronger tendency to be afraid of language.


virtual reality, exposure therapy, speech anxiety, student, anxiety questionnaire

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