Dzhanat Zhantemirovich Sakenov, Baglan Magauovna Zhaparova, Aliya Saktaganova Mambetalina, Tattygul Bekbaltinovna Kenzhebayeva, Botagoz Amangeldinovna Nurmagambetova, Altynay Kanatovna Murzatayeva


Objective: The purpose of the article is to offer substantiation for the psychological characteristics of gender socialization of children in orphanages. Methods: In the course of the experiment, the following parameters are assessed and analyzed: the gender criterion for participation in the testing; age criterion for participation in the testing; orphans’ inner gender self-experience; ideas and attitudes of orphans with regard to social and cultural gender stereotypes about behavior and qualities; gender personality types and degree of expression of masculine and feminine characteristics in orphans; the role of gender characteristics in the structure of orphans’ personal self-concept; content characteristics of social roles and personal identity in orphans. Results: The results of the study are recommended to be used in orphanages in the process of children’s gender socialization. 


Psychological characteristics; Gender; Socialization; Children; Orphanage Psychological characteristics; Gender; Socialization; Children; Orphanage

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