Kristina Filyushina, Natalya Gusakova, Yurii Bakrunov, Natalia Verstina


Objective: This study aims to develop a socio-economic substantiation for programmatic solutions in the area of low-rise construction in small towns and settlements, leveraging public-private partnerships. The research seeks to propose measures that ensure the intensive development of comfortable and high-quality low-rise housing.

Methods: The research methodology incorporates a theoretical analysis of the main scientific provisions of low-rise construction management. The empirical foundation is based on statistical data from low-rise construction records. The study also integrates the authors' conceptual approach to socio-economic substantiation of programmatic solutions for small towns and settlements using public-private partnerships.

Results: The study demonstrates that the proposed programmatic measures are effective and capable of ensuring the intensification of low-rise housing construction that meets high comfort and quality standards in small towns and settlements.

Conclusions: The research confirms that public-private partnerships can play a critical role in fostering the development of energy-efficient, safe, and affordable housing in less urbanized areas, promoting a higher standard and quality of life for residents. The approach highlights the importance of aligning educational, health, and agricultural development with housing initiatives to create comprehensive improvements in living conditions.


Low-rise housing construction; Regional program for low-rise housing construction development; Indicative planning; Energy efficiency; Comfort of living; Standard and quality of life

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