Antonina Glotkina, Elena Volkova, Elena Vecherinina


Objective: The study aims to test the efficiency of project-based learning (PBL) and reflective journal writing in bioengineering students as a means of increasing the effectiveness of foreign language teaching. Methods: The paper analyzes the experience of using PBL in combination with reflective journal writing in first-year bioengineering students. The authors review studies covering the historical development and experience in using the method, as well as its evolution in the education systems of European and Asian countries. Results: The application of PBL is noted to be of a practice-oriented nature, while the introduction of reflective journal writing contributes to the motivated progression of students along their educational routes. The efficiency of PBL is proven by the experience of several countries, and the introduction of reflective journal writing has a positive effect on students’ mastery of a foreign language. Redefined application of project activities requires serious preparation from the teacher to avoid common mistakes in organizing the learning process using this methodology.


Project-oriented learning; PBL, Professional language; International educational groups; Multilanguage environment

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