Yuriy Katkov, Ekaterina Katkova, Sofya Lvova, Yaroslav Rusakov


Objective: The study considers a model for the sustainable development of innovation activity in the integrated structures of the agro-industrial complex to overcome low rates of innovation activity in Russia. Methods: To achieve this objective, the authors analyze the sources of information and study the current state of innovation. They develop a model for the sustainable development of innovation activity in the integrated structures of the agro-industrial complex, including seven consecutive blocks: initialization, marketing, production (sales), promotion, evaluation, and diffusion of innovations. Results: Each block of the model is embedded in an automated structure, which ensures the accuracy and efficiency of innovation processes. A system of indicators is also introduced to assess the development of innovation activity in agribusiness. Conclusion: The conducted research allows the authors to conclude that it is necessary to apply the model of sustainable development of innovation activity in the integrated structures of the agro-industrial complex to increase the indicators of innovative development in Russia. An automated structure embedded in each block of the model ensures the accuracy and efficiency of innovation processes, speeds up their implementation, and increases efficiency. The system of indicators is used to assess the current development of innovation activity in the agro-industrial complex and serves as an important tool for monitoring and managing this process.


Innovation activity; Sustainable development; Efficiency; Agro-industrial complex; Indicators


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