Ekaterina Akishina, Lubov Savenkova, Irina Wagner


Objective: In today's rapidly evolving landscape, it is essential for the modern education system to adapt to cultural and scientific shifts in order to deliver relevant, high-quality learning experiences to students. This article investigates the impact of cultural awareness, adaptability, and a continuous learning mindset on the effectiveness of the educational process. Results: By analyzing the current socio-cultural context in which the education system operates, the study underscores the importance of fostering a collaborative culture among teachers and between teachers and students. The findings emphasize the necessity of understanding the interconnections between various topics, concepts, and aspects across disciplines, encompassing the progression of science, culture, and art. Conclusion: This necessitates collaboration among educators to identify shared themes and engage students in collective problem-solving endeavors, thereby enhancing the learning experience across various topics and fields of study.


Culture of social relations; Cross-cultural communication; Intercultural competence; Educational process

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