Elena Evgen’evna Kabanova, Ekaterina Alexandrovna Vetrova


Background: Today the Russian cities compete with each other. Each city or small settlement has great potential, needs labor resources, new investors, fresh and creative ideas for the development of public spaces in its territory. In modern economic conditions, such factors as a favorable geographical location, natural and industrial resources, programs for the socio-economic development of territories do not necessarily raise the level of city development. Accordingly, municipalities need to make new, non-standard decisions and use modern tools for their development, including territory marketing. Objective: The purpose of the study was  to develop the marketing strategy of Odintsovsky District (Russia). Methods: The empirical base was the analysis of the activities of the Administration of Odintsovsky District in the field of territory marketing to identify its tourist opportunities. In addition, a sociological survey was conducted among residents of Odintsovsky District to highlight the main problems of its territory marketing. The main research method is a questionnaire survey. Conclusion: Being close to Moscow and other large cities of Moscow Oblast, Odintsovsky District remains competitive, improves its development tools, contributes to the formation of a positive image and supports the national and international level of recognition.


Territory marketing; Management practice; Territorial development; Tourist appeal; Brand; Territory marketing; Image; Central and local government

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