Changes in legal documents under the influence of transformations in youth values: content analysis of youth policy legal documents

Natalia Fedorovna Bondaletova, Elena Evgenievna Kabanova, Vadim Alexandrovich Maslikov, Alexey Mikhailovich Kozhevnikov


Objective: The purpose of the article is to assess the relevance of the existing regulatory framework in the field of social policy to the modern values of Russian youth, identified in sociological surveys of this age group of citizens. Methods: The analysis of the concept of values in the framework of the work is based on classical sociological theories of values, namely, on aspects corresponding to youth and specifically Russian topics. Results: The authors conduct a review of sociological research, as a result of which a set of socio-cultural and spiritual values of modern youth is identified. The study uses the content analysis of legal documents of the youth policy in Russia. As a result, the demanded and reproducible values of this social group are determined. Conclusions: The analysis of legal documents shows tendencies to increase the requirements for the organization of the educational process and the actualization of the national model of values and national and state ideals.


Value orientations; Social policy; Youth

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