Yaroslavna Artamonova, Mikhail Fridman, Antonina Aniskina


The study explores the influence of scientific and technological progress on societal structures and the growing inclination towards religion and mysticism over scientific solutions to global crises. The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of biotechnology education within the framework of sustainable development, recognizing the pivotal role of scientific education in steering the direction and pace of societal evolution. Utilizing theoretical and practical approaches, the study analyzes current scientific methodologies, statistical data, and both local and global experiences in sustainable development. The findings underscore the necessity for biotechnological education to evolve in response to the digital age's demands, focusing on critical thinking, problem-solving, and the practical application of scientific knowledge. It highlights the emergence of new high-tech professions and the critical need for specialized education to prepare students for future challenges. Biotechnology education must adhere to fundamental pedagogical principles while focusing on the detailed examination of production techniques and the significance of biotechnology in addressing global challenges. The modernization of biotechnology education should be prioritized within each country's education policy and supported through international collaboration. This approach will facilitate the creation of a global system for biotechnological training and contribute to the resolution of worldwide challenges, ensuring technological independence and sustainable development.


Biotechnology education; Sustainable development; Global challenges of our time; Digitalization; Scientific and technological progress

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