Yelena Vladimirovna Nikiforova, Marina Vladimirovna Borovitskaya, Tatyana Borisovna Izzuka


In the modern world, the construction industry faces several challenges and obstacles that significantly affect its competitiveness and financial stability. Existing regulatory barriers and restrictions can hinder the innovative development of the industry and increase compliance costs. Using mixed methods, the research combines quantitative data analysis of industry performance indicators with a comprehensive review of relevant literature and case studies. The conclusions reveal that the adoption of digital tools and environmental innovations enhances project efficiency, reduces environmental impact, and improves stakeholder satisfaction. The following innovative approaches are considered the main tools for transforming the business climate: the use of information technology and digital transformation; the introduction of electronic platforms to simplify the processes of obtaining construction permits and monitoring construction quality; the spread of environmental innovations in construction to reduce the industry’s impact on the environment and improve the quality of life of the population; the implementation of BI platforms aimed not only at analyzing and processing large arrays of data, which will bring planning in the industry to a new level, but also at increasing the transparency of information to optimize the interaction with government bodies, the business community, public organizations, and the population. The possibility of transforming the business climate via various tools will increase the efficiency and competitiveness of construction organizations and create favorable conditions for the innovative development of the industry.


Transformation of the business climate; Regulatory barriers; Construction industry; Sustainable development; Information technology; Digitalization; Green building

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