Alfiya Samigullina, Dilyara Apezova, Gulzat Maimerova, Elmira Isakeeva, Aibek Maksutali uulu


Objective: This study investigates the influence of gender stereotypes on labor mobility and wages, analyzing how these stereotypes affect men and women in the labor market. The main objective is to determine the extent to which gender thinking and stereotypes influence labor mobility and wage disparities.

Methods: The research was conducted in two stages at the Bishkek International Medical Institute in 2023. In the first stage, a questionnaire survey with 122 respondents was used to collect initial sociological data. The second stage involved in-depth interviews with 10 selected individuals, allowing for a more detailed qualitative analysis.

Results: The results show that gender stereotypes are present in the workplace, but not frequently enough to demand significant attention. However, the research confirmed that these stereotypes negatively affect labor mobility and wages, with prevailing perceptions that men are more suited for leadership positions.

Conclusions: The hypothesis that gender stereotypes negatively affect mobility and wages was confirmed. The study recommends adopting policies to minimize the negative effects of gender stereotypes, promoting greater equality of opportunities in the labor market.


Gender inequality; Employment; Gender imbalance; Career growth.

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Revista Relações Internacionais do Mundo Atual e-ISSN: 2316-2880

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