Ekaterina Bochkareva, Petr Kurdyuk, Arina Chueva, Elena Voronenko


The study aims to systematize the sources of legal regulation of the public authority system in the Sirius federal territory and identify the features of its bodies. The authors use general and special scientific methods of technical-legal analysis. The article presents the results of the analysis of theoretical approaches to Sirius’ legal status. The authors consider the legal regulation of public authorities in the federal territory. The study shows that Sirius has a unique legal status not equal to other federal subjects or municipal entities in Russia. This uniqueness is reflected in the legal standing of its public authorities classified as the bodies of public authority in Russian law. The study identifies two main types of bodies: the representative body (the Council) and the executive-administrative body (the Administration), along with other bodies, such as the Urban Planning Council and the Territorial Electoral Commission. The Sirius federal territory marks a significant transformation of Russia’s territorial organization. It functions under a unique legal framework directly subordinated to the federal government, without being part of any constituent or municipal entity.


Sirius federal territory; Public authority; System of public authorities; Bodies of the federal territory; Legal regulation.

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