Tatiana Volkova, Viktor Sidorenko, Evgeny Boyko, Vera Minenkova, Natalia Komarevtseva, Anna Konovalova


Objective: The study aims to conduct an extensive analysis of terms used in the context of cultural heritage. The focus is on identifying key terms, studying their evolution, examining usage patterns, and assessing their impact on the perception and interpretation of cultural heritage.

Methods: The main method used in this study involves the analysis of various sources, including scientific articles, monographs, academic reviews, and official documents to understand their legal context.

Results: Through the examination of various terms related to cultural and cultural-historical analysis, it has been shown that most of these terms lack a strong geographical or territorial connection. Conclusions: The term base of cultural geography is still under development. Further development in this field allows regions to improve the sphere of domestic tourism to a greater extent.


Cultural heritage; Tourism; Cultural studies; Historical and cultural values

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21902/Revrima.v1i43.6745


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