Maria Ovsyannikova, Tatiana Tsoy


Objective: This study aims to explore the concept of linguistic universals and their role in international communication. The research focuses on analyzing and categorizing the principal linguistic universals, leading to a comprehensive classification.

Methods: Various linguistic and general scientific methodologies were employed in the research, including descriptive, comparative, structural, typological, and distributional analysis, along with synthesis. These methods were used to examine the universals across different languages, considering both synchronic and diachronic perspectives.

Results: The study identified several types of linguistic universals, such as diachronic, synchronic, absolute, statistical, implicative, deductive, and inductive. These universals demonstrate shared principles underlying the structure of various human languages and contribute to their mutual intelligibility. The findings highlight the importance of linguistic universals in understanding language structure and evolution.

Conclusions: The research underscores the significance of linguistic universals in facilitating global understanding and communication. It suggests that further scientific inquiry should focus on refining systemic and integrated approaches to address the challenges within linguistic universology. Understanding these universals not only enhances the comprehension of language structures but also provides insights into the historical development of languages.


Linguistics; The study of language; Common features; Speech; Communicative unit

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Revista Relações Internacionais do Mundo Atual e-ISSN: 2316-2880

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