The article systematizes approaches to defining the essence of metaverses as multidimensional spaces that unite many virtual worlds (where participants can interact with each other and surrounding objects), in which digital copies of the real world are created (including in business) and used for various purposes. Metaverses are a key trend in the development of the Russian economy and its industries and spheres and can help improve productivity and optimize business processes in the digital world. The authors of the article analyze some examples of implementing metaverse technologies (including augmented, virtual, and mixed reality, blockchain, and cryptocurrencies) in Russia and other countries. Factors that influence the development of metaverses (including regulatory, economic, technological, and social) are identified. Risks and limitations associated with the development of metaverse technologies are demonstrated (cyber threats and risks of protecting a large amount of data, the lack of a single monetary unit in metaverses or rules for converting metaverse means of payment into conventional means of payment, difficulties in financing the development of technological projects due to a long time to market, insufficient number of specialists in the field of AR, VR, and mixed reality, blockchain, and cryptocurrencies, and other risks). The authors also identify features of the influence of metaverses on business development in the digital environment. In virtual multidimensional spaces of metaverses, the transition to a new economy of impressions is accelerating, new opportunities for remote interaction are being created, the format of employee training and development is being significantly transformed, digital twins are being made through the formation of exact virtual copies of business organizations, etc. Conclusions and proposals are drawn on the need to consider the influence of regulatory, economic, technological, and social factors on the development of business in the virtual spaces of metaverses and existing and potential threats and dangers associated with the development of economic activity in virtual spaces to realize the potential of business in the field of the new technological phenomenon of metaverses.
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