Stanislav Filippov, Yuliia Stepanova, Anatolii Prytula, Natalia Orlovska, Oleksandr Ostrohliad


The article "Peculiarities of Crime Prevention in Ukraine in Wartime" addresses the topical issue of combating crime in the context of the military conflict in Ukraine. The authors explore the peculiarities of social governance and the impact of armed conflict on crime in the country. The article analyses various aspects of preventing and combating crime in times of war, in particular, the effectiveness of crime prevention measures, detection and solving crimes, as well as the peculiarities of law and order and justice during martial law.

In particular, the article addresses the issues related to the genocide against the Ukrainian people, analyses the specific strategies and methods used to physically destroy and deprive Ukrainians of their national and cultural identity. An attempt is made to define the role of the international community in recognising and combating genocide in Ukraine and discusses possible ways for the Ukrainian state to respond to this criminal activity. The results of the study help to understand the complex challenges faced by Ukraine in the context of military conflict and to develop effective strategies for crime prevention and law enforcement in such situations.


Ukraine, wartime, crime prevention, genocide, counteraction, national security, international community, identity, conflict, strategies, methods, international law.

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