Irina Sinitsyna, Olga Rebro, Galina Vukovich, Elena Manchenko, Nataliya Rets, Oksana Chuksina


Contextualization: The changes taking place in the world in the technological, geopolitical, and intercultural spheres and beyond affect the development of higher education. The transformation of higher education in the modern context of post-industrial society determines the development of Russian higher education in the coming years.

Objective: The objective of the study is to determine the optimal mechanisms for regulating the transformation of higher education to achieve sustainable social development.

Methods: To achieve the study goal, the authors use qualitative research methods, including an expert survey with the measurement of the consistency degree of expert opinions and mathematical processing of the results using the Kendall concordance coefficient (W).

Results: The study identifies the main elements of the state regulation system of the higher education transformation and directions for improving the effectiveness of state regulation of transformation in the field of higher education. The legal, economic, organizational, motivational, and social mechanisms are identified to analyze the system of regulation and transformation of higher education. The article concludes that the central idea of determining the optimal mechanisms of state regulation of the higher education transformation to achieve sustainable social development is to narrow the function of the direct state influence on the field of education, which will maximize the potential of universities.


higher education; transformation; regulatory mechanisms; state regulation

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