Objective: The purpose of the present article is to assess the potential of housing construction in Russia and develop managerial solutions for its development. Methods: Authors carried out an analysis of the housing construction condition in Russia during runtime from 2000 to 2019 to assess the development potential of the housing sector in the country. The resulting equation was used to predict the commissioning of residential buildings for the future until 2022. Results: The socio-economic transformations, taking place in the Russian Federation, have radically changed the approaches to solving the housing problem, the economic and organizational foundations of housing, and communal services. Many years of efforts to create legal and economic conditions for the transition to market methods of regulation, as well as the political will of the country's leadership, have yielded certain results. Conclusion: Of great importance for the development of the construction, as well as and housing and the communal complex was adopting and improving the legislative and regulatory framework, as well as the launching the National Project "Affordable and comfortable housing for Russian citizens". Nevertheless, at present, several problems related to the features of the reform period in this socially significant sector are becoming more and more evident. Problems in the development of the housing sector reinforce infrastructure constraints and pose a threat of slowing down social development and the formation of a common economic space. As the result of the analysis of the existing trends in housing construction in Russia, the main opportunities for the development of the country's housing sector were determined.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21902/Revrima.v2i35.5727
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Revista Relações Internacionais do Mundo Atual e-ISSN: 2316-2880
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