VIOLATION OF WOMEN’S RIGHTS ON DIVORCE: Study on Religious Court Decision

Kholidah Kholidah, Muhammad Ridho, Sobhan Sobhan, Mahyudin Ritonga


Various marriage problems cause women to sometimes file for legal divorce from their husbands. However, the religious court decision on divorce has violated women's rights, both alimony and mut'ah rights. This study aimed to show the causes of post-divorce violations of women's rights and the implications of religious court decisions on women which violate their rights. This study used two data collection methods, namely documentation of Religious Court decisions through directories and interviews. The decision was confirmed to informants through interviews with a number of judges and women as plaintiffs. Based on the results, the Religious Court decision on divorce violating women's rights produces poverty and life stress for women. Women do not get justice because the Religious Court decision creates gender bias. Therefore, it takes courage from judges in deciding divorce cases to realize 3 legal objectives and a legislative review of several articles in Law on Marriage for the reformulation of Islamic Family Law in Indonesia. 


divorce; women's rights; religious court; Islamic Law; Islamic family

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