
Objective: To explore the factors influencing consumer resistance to Automated Delivery Robots (ADRs) in delivery services, focusing on the impact of privacy concerns within the framework of the Antecedent-Privacy Concern-Outcome (APCO) model.

Methods: This study uses a mixed-method approach, including a survey with 416 valid responses and the combined importance-performance map analysis (cIPMA) method for data analysis. The research model examines the relationship between perceived vulnerabilities (technological, provider, legal) and privacy concerns, and how these relate to consumer resistance behaviors.

Results: The results indicate that technological, provider, and legal vulnerabilities significantly impact privacy concerns, which in turn, increase resistance behavior towards ADRs. Moreover, perceived autonomy and anthropomorphism were found to mitigate resistance, while the need for human interaction significantly moderated these relationships.

Conclusion: The findings suggest that while ADRs have potential in delivery services, their adoption is hindered by significant privacy concerns and vulnerabilities. Addressing these concerns through better privacy protections and enhancing user control can reduce consumer resistance and facilitate the adoption of ADR technologies.


Autonomous delivery robots; Perceived vulnerability; Resistance behavior; Antecedent-privacy concern-outcome model; cIPMA

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21902/Revrima.v3i45.7501


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