Soledad Mendoza Espinoza, Doris Fuster-Guillén, David Elí Salazar Espinoza, Yessenia Karina Rosell Garay, Palpa Inga Vilma Eneida


Purpose: The purpose of this article is to explain how inquiry-based learning management influences the comprehensive education of students based on a systematic review of the literature. Applying inquiry in science education is fundamental nowadays, since it provides students with the scientific capabilities to solve problems in their environment, transforming their reality and thus improving their quality of life.

Methods and materials: The methodology used is the bibliographic review of scientific articles, belonging to databases such as Scopus, Eric, Google Sholar, Dialnet, among others. A total of 69 documents have been reviewed, published from 2014 to 2022, of which 68 are original articles and 1 doctoral thesis, national and international, in Spanish and English language.

Results: The literature review shows that inquiry learning is effective because it favors autonomous learning, the development of scientific, mathematical and metacognitive skills. It also allows the comprehension of information, the strengthening of scientific literacy, the development of critical thinking and creativity, thus achieving the integral development of the student. To this end, it is important that teachers and students assume their new role in the science class: where the teacher is a facilitator, a guide for learning, and the student is an active researcher, a builder of his own learning, capable of making his own decisions and solving problems.

Conclusions: However, in the search for information based on the literature review, the effectiveness of inquiry in strengthening cooperative work has not yet been studied, considering that it allows understanding, the development of scientific skills and achieves significant learning in science classes.


Inquiry; mathematical; scientific and metacognitive skills; autonomous learning

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