Elvira Cherkesova, Nataliya Demidova, Andrey Novikov, Svetlana Romanova, Irina Slatvitskaya


Research goal: The aim of the reported study is to develop a methodology for encouraging intellectual innovation among managerial staff, taking into account the individual labor participation of the employee, which would provide scientific validity in the allocation of the wage fund. Results: The authors propose a methodology for a comprehensive quantitative assessment of the innovation potential of middle and senior management of the organization with consideration of intelligence, creativity, and enterprise. Conclusion: The integral coefficient proposed in the paper reflects the excess of the basic cost estimate of the human capital of an employee, corresponding to the intellectual and qualification level, over the basic cost estimate of the human capital of the smaller/lower intellectual and qualification level of the professional qualification group.


Motivation; Incentive; Innovative activity; Individual labor efforts; Cost estimation of human capital

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