Elena Abramova, Oksana Rozhko, Osman Khalov, Rinas Kashbrasiev, Inga Protsenko


Objective. Goal of the study is to assess the integration potential of supply chain counterparties using interrelated criteria and develop unified criteria for evaluating logistical integration potential.

Methods. The authors used methods of grouping, comparative and systematic analysis, expert assessments, questionnaires, comparison by analogy, and rating method. The methodological basis of the study is founded on the works of domestic and foreign specialists in the field of logistics integration, strategic partnership, and procurement management.

Results. Key criteria for integration potential included joint planning, information integration, and resource sharing. Approximately 21% of companies showed significant integration potential, 32% had basic conditions, 28% had minimal potential, and 19% had none. Suppliers were categorized into strategic partners, preferred suppliers, basic suppliers, and one-time contractors, with different interaction strategies for each.

Conclusions. Optimal integration levels vary by company and depend on factors such as enterprise type, industry, product specifics, and supplier relationships. While about 20% of companies can achieve high integration levels, most operate at stable or basic levels due to procurement maturity and transparency issues. Tailored integration strategies are essential for enhancing sup-ply chain partnerships and sustainability.


Supply chains; Integration; Suppliers; Consumers; Procurement; Strategic partnership

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