Evgenij Shvakov, Artem Shamkov, Tat'yana Yakushina, Vladimir Merkur'ev, Irina Balashova


The study examines the concept of formation and the features of the implementation of a health-preserving system in modern enterprises connected with the social responsibility of businesses. The theoretical and methodological foundation of the study is comprised of an analysis of scientific literature on the research problem and the work of Russian enterprises to preserve employees’ health. The developed conceptual model of health-preserving consists of two functional blocks: one focusing on employees’ health and the other – on the local population’s health. The study presents health-preserving measures and tools and discusses their economic and social effects. The conclusion emphasizes the importance of planning and managing the health-preserving system as an element in corporate strategy and its importance for enterprises' sustainable development.


Business social responsibility; Health-preserving model; Personnel; Environment

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