Nataliya Bondarenko, Aleksandr Sigarev


Objective: The study examines structural changes in global value networks (GVNs), driven by internal and external shocks, such as trade wars, interregional conflicts, the COVID-19 pandemic, and increased digitalization. The objective is to analyze the impact of contemporary economic crises on these networks and assess how they affect economic stability and the sovereignty of national economies.

Methods: Factorial, comparative, qualitative, and quantitative analysis methods were employed. The research analyzed the share of manufactured products in GVNs from 2000 to 2022, using concentration indicators to evaluate the importance of major participants within these networks.

Results: The study reveals that economic shocks over the past decades have led to the regionalization and localization of GVNs, requiring a revision of global supply chain models. Large firms play a crucial role in mitigating economic shocks, while trade policy significantly influences the functioning of these networks under crisis conditions.

Conclusions: The transformations in GVNs highlight the need for companies and governments to adapt their policies and strategies to increase economic sustainability and protect national interests. The conclusions emphasize the importance of regionalization, supplier diversification, and investments in digitalization as measures to address contemporary global economic challenges.


Global value chains; Added value; Logistics chains; Reshoring; Production localization

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Revista Relações Internacionais do Mundo Atual e-ISSN: 2316-2880

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