Nadezhda Shabalina, Innokentiy Baishev, Sergei Kolganov, Olga Ilina, Olga Gribkova, Andrey Baksheev


Objective: The study aims to model opportunities to implement coaching technologies in training management students within the higher education system. The study objectives include defining the concepts of pedagogical modeling and coaching, as well as the role of coaching in the higher education system; examining traditional and innovative coaching approaches, tools, and practices used in management training; identifying the problems that hinder the application of coaching and proposing ways to overcome them.

Methods: Qualitative and quantitative research methods were used, including a review of scientific literature and an expert survey. Data collection took place from January to March 2024, involving the analysis of literature and a survey of 51 experts in the field. Data analysis was performed using statistical techniques, such as Kendall's coefficient of concordance.

Results: The study identified the most commonly used traditional and digital coaching technologies and assessed the problems associated with their implementation in management training. Key technologies included the GRO model and online coaching platforms. The main challenges were a shortage of qualified coaches and financial limitations. Measures such as coach training and financial support were suggested to overcome these challenges.

Conclusions: The systematic application of coaching technologies can be an important element in management training, provided that identified challenges, such as the lack of administrative support and financial resources, are overcome. The findings have practical relevance for Russian universities and can help train managers capable of meeting the challenges of the current labor market.


Pedagogical modeling; Coaching; Digital coaching; Management students

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