Silvia Vaskiv, Olena Honcharenko, Svitlana Kovalenko, Nataliia Stykhun, Anzhela Korol


Objective: The object of the article is analyze the features of the transformation of the national higher education system in modern conditions of globalization and European integration, identifying the main perspectives and challenges of this process; focus special attention on the national direction of education as an important factor in preserving national identity Ukrainians in the global world; to consider the normative and legal framework, which is the basis for the educational state policy of Ukraine in the modern conditions of globalization and European integration.

Methods: Methods of pedagogical research: general theoretical – analysis of psychological-pedagogical, scientific-methodological, reference and encyclopedic literature, normative documentation on the topic of research;

interpretation, comparison, hypothesis building, pedagogical modeling;

empirical – study and generalization of pedagogical experience, pedagogical observation, conversation, analysis of students’ activities, self-assessment, mutual assessment, expert assessment, diagnostics of the level of formation of students’ communicative self-efficacy; questioning, testing, survey; statistical – descriptive statistics, Fisher’s F-test, Student’s t-test and Fisher’s angular transformation (φ* – criterion).

The practical significance of the study lies in the testing of evaluative diagnostic tools for studying the development of students’ communicative self-efficacy, including pedagogical diagnostics, supplemented with standardized psychological techniques; creating methodological recommendations for teachers on the design of professionally oriented tasks of a communicative nature, methodological development of professionally oriented tasks in a foreign language; cases for solving communication situations related to upcoming professional activities; development of a structural-functional model for the formation of students’ communicative self-efficacy; using forms of work and means: master class, project, social competition, elements of technology for the development of critical thinking and others.

 Results: As a result of the analysis of scientific research, it is worth noting that the pedagogical category innovative activity is characterized by a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, which in its content includes: systemic activity regarding the creation, development and application of new means; the process of interaction of individuals aimed at the development, transformation of the object and its transfer to a qualitatively new state; a special type of creative activity that combines various operations and actions aimed at acquiring new knowledge, creating technologies, systems.

Conclusion: The article analyzes generally accepted and innovative approaches to managing the quality of training in professional (vocational and technical) education institutions, reveals the essence of the concept of competitiveness as a socio-economic phenomenon. It has been proven the effectiveness of the structural-functional model of quality management of specialist training, the issue of involving business and the board of stakeholders in quality management, innovative views in ensuring the quality of professional training by bringing the content of state standards of professional (professional-technical) education closer to the requirements of employers is considered; systematic work on increasing the prestige of working professions (introduction of innovative technologies of professional orientation, professional development and career planning); development of elements of dual and mixed education systems; effective management and control of the educational and production process. Offered effective areas such as mentoring, creation of educational clusters, application of hub technologies, digitization). The quality management mechanisms of professional education and training in countries are substantiated, the quality assessment system, the European framework of qualifications and the issue of standardization are analyzed.

Palabras clave

Socioeconomic Phenomenon; Educational System, Educational Institutions, Technology, Educational Process

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