
Background: The article is devoted to a controversial and topical topic: the export of Russian education as an instrument of the "soft power" of the state. Objective: The purpose of the article is to consider the existing prospects for the spread of Russian education in the world. Methods: The methodological basis of the research is the method of comparative historical analysis, which makes it possible to identify the cause-and-effect relationships of the problem. Within the framework of the article, the author relies on the works of both theorists of "soft power" - such as J. Nye - and researchers who directly addressed the problem of the role of education in the development of the soft power of the state - such as A. Amirbek, E.V. Klyushnikova and L.N. Skakovskaya. Results: The problem investigated in the article is the role of Russian education in the world - and the need to develop the export of Russian education to other states. The Russian educational system is promising and competitive - the legacy of the USSR is felt, the educational system of which was one of the leading in the world. Conclusion: The ways and directions of the export of Russian education need serious debugging: especially within the framework of various anti-Russian sanctions by Western countries and information confrontation imposed on Russia in the international arena.


soft power; education; Russia; export; opportunities

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